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  • Santi C

What is Voicemail to Email? How it can improve your business

Did an important client call your office phone while you weren't there?

Missing important calls is a problem every small business faces that can lose customers and revenue. The best way to avoid this is by implementing a Voicemail to Email feature to your telecom.

How it Works

Voicemail to Email works to record and send any voicemails received on your office phone to your preferred email. It attaches and transcribes the audio of any voicemails that you receive which means you can listen or read your voicemails. This feature is a great benefit because it allows you to be notified of calls immediately and no matter where you are.

Improved Customer Service

Many businesses struggle to deal with customer service issues in a way that builds customer satisfaction. For example, if a customer is having trouble with your product and needs immediate customer support they will call in. The problem is easy to fix, but it is a Friday night and no one is in, so they leave a voicemail. Without voicemail to email, you aren't able to help the customer until Monday morning. Long wait times for simple customer service needs will drive your clients to competitors who are better at tending to customer needs. This fault ultimately hurt sales, and gives your business a bad reputation for having slow customer service.

With voicemail to email, the client leaves a voicemail that automatically gets forwarded to your email. After hearing the voicemail and the customer's needs, you contact your head of customer service by seamlessly forwarding them the voicemail. In the end, you are able to help your customer ASAP which will increase customer satisfaction without much effort on your part.

Access Anywhere Anytime

One of the biggest advantages of Voicemail to email is that you no longer need to be at your desk or call into your desk phone in order to know who called in. No matter if you're on your phone or desktop, you have the freedom to listen to your emails from anywhere you are. This feature also means that your voicemails will not be lost in the case that your office phone is replaced or broken, you will always be able to have access to your voicemails.


Having a record of what is said and what people frequently call in for is perfect for many reasons. Some offices need to archive or record keep conversations for their business. Voicemail to email is perfect for this because emails include a log of the date and time a voicemail was left, as well as an accurate transcript of what is being said. Another way voicemail to email can help is by allowing you to do easy market research about what your clients are calling in for. If a lot of customers are calling for a specific issue, you can search how frequently it pops up in your email. This will help your business improve, as well as making life better for your clients.

If you are thinking about adding voicemail to email to your current telecom setup call Blinkvoice today at 1-855-631-7848 or by visiting To quickly see how much you could be saving visit our savings calculator at

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